Why Sean Payton's bold game-opening onside kick in Broncos vs. Raiders was called back on penalty

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Sean Payton
(Getty Images)

Sean Payton is wearing navy and orange now, but some things never change.

Payton opened his first regular-season game as head coach of the Broncos by calling for an onside kick, nearly giving his team an instant jolt after a lifeless 2022 season.

Denver recovered the kick, sending the sideline into a frenzy, but officials reviewed the play and found that the ball was touched before it went 10 yards. Onside kick attempts must go at least 10 yards before the kicking team can recover.

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Had the attempt been successful, it still would have only been a footnote compared to the biggest onside kick of Payton's career. The former Saints coach made the bold call to open the second half of Super Bowl 44 with an onside kick in an attempt to steal a possession away from the Colts.

Already trailing 10-6, an unsuccessful attempt would have gifted strong field position to Peyton Manning and the Indianapolis offense. Instead, the try was a success, and the Saints would turn the possession into a touchdown in a game they would ultimately win.

While the stakes weren't nearly as high this time, recent rule changes have made onside kicks much more difficult to recover. In 2017, 21 percent of onside kicks were successful. Last season, only 5.3 percent of tries were a success. 

The Broncos were mere inches away from converting the first successful onside kick of the 2023 season, and opposing special teams coordinators will surely have Sunday's attempt in the back of their mind any time they face Payton this year.